How's this for a crazy-good looking capsicum fettuccine!

My not-so-little youngest son Cameron who is my regular helper at the local Black Barn farmers markets

Holy moly! Isn't this just the most gorgeous spaghetti salad you can imagine?

From left: My son Henry, my mate Muff, Me and my other mate Yvonne selling pasta at the Six60 concert in Hastings

Beetroot, pumpkin and capsicum penneroni YUM!

My beautiful daughter Alex getting amongst my naturally good green lasagne sheets

My eldest son Henry loves my charcoal pasta

Oh excuse me for being the most gorgeous combo of mushroom and charcoal fettuccine!

Rainbow Farfalle anyone?

Will you look at these ready-to-ship packets of pasta perfection!

My grandparents

Pretty darn magical mushroom pappardelle

Me creating broccoli, spinach and spirulina lasagne sheets

My youngest son Cameron had a go at my logo many years ago

My mamma's painting she did for me love it!!!!